Thursday, 9 January 2014

Step away from the chocolate!

So hi. How have you been? Good? Good. Hope you had a nice Christmas. Oh, you went skiing in Aspen? Nice. Nice. OK! OK! I'm sorry. I know I haven't posted in ages and I'm sorry. And I know I said I would be better in my last blog post but we all need a new year's resolution to fail so this could be mine! Anyway...yeah. 

So Christmas and new year were great for me. Was spoiled rotten and still dating things as 2013 so all good so far. Just spent most of the holiday period with my family and catching up with a few friends and it was great! But as predicted all semblance of any kind of eating regime has dissipated into a dark abyss filled with chocolate, crisps and fried foods. 

Now I know Christmas is the one time of the year when you should be able to give yourself a break and eat what you want. And I have. But when it comes into the new year, you're meant to start getting back to normal. Trying to be fit and healthy (not that that's normal for me). And at this my friends, I have failed. Chocolate has been my main dietary supplement and now it's hard for me to go my days without just one little Ferrero Rocher. But alas, the time has come.

I have gone to the gym twice and it feels good. I'm actually willingly partaking in exercise which is a huge step forward. Although even if I had walked out to my garden and back again a choir would have started rejoicing. Yeah, I'm lazy. But since when did that become such a bad thing? Why is it wrong to not want to exercise. Why should I be made to feel domonized because I'm not worried that I have cellulite on my thighs (which I totally am by the way). But for argument's sake, let's say I wasn't. 

Anyway, that's a completely different issue. Basically I don't like doing things. But since going to the gym I've been feeling good. I'm doing something productive! And I've learned I do have muscles to tone. Who knew?! Anyway getting back to healthy eating is going to be a struggle...but it's the same every year. Hopefully anything you've planned to do you will accomplish too. After all 2014 is going to be what you make it! If you've set a goal do it! Good luck my friends. And I will post soon; I promise. Just don't hold your breath.


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