Thursday 3 October 2013

Is Halloween sexist?

The title of this entry may seem ridiculous. Halloween is just a time of year when people get dressed up and eat as many sugary treats (or drink alcohol if you're older) as possible. How can it be sexist? Well before you roll your eyes, cluck your tongues and accuse me of being a bra-burning feminist just hang on. 

As a university student my flatmates and I have decided to throw a Halloween party. Probably nothing too crazy. We'll decorate the flat, have a few friends round and maybe play 'Just Dance' (one of my flatmates is obsessed with it). Trying to decide what to wear has become a monumental chore in our household. We've all been stressed talking to each other about what we will go as. Sleep has been lost over the issue. Uni work has been replaced with Amazon and Ebay searches for anime characters (Sally), Disney princesses (Wilma) and pop stars (me). Originally, I was just going to be a cat. Wear a black dress, buy some ears and paint on whiskers. Simple enough right? But then, with my flatties, as I like to call them, coming up with exciting costume ideas and the dawning realization that I was 1/6 of a host I decided to be something a bit more exciting. 

I won't bore you with the details of the various costume ideas I went through. All I will say is that, as a woman, trying to find a Halloween costume that isn't short, tight or otherwise showing everyone your reproductive parts is a very difficult task. See  below:

Anyway, call me old-fashioned but I liked the days when there wasn't so much pressure on girls to look sexy and glamorous rather than actually scary. All women's costumes seem to come with the word 'sexy' or 'tease' or 'babe' in the title. Now, don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with wanting to look sexy on Halloween. But it's rare to find a 'sexy' costume for a man. It feels like women are oversexualized when it comes to Halloween. But I suppose that could be said about a lot of things in society. I mean any Rihanna or Miley Cyrus video tends to paint women as very sexual beings and parents still allow their children to watch and listen to them. But I digress. I guess the point of all this is that as a young girl you can dress up as a witch, vampire or fairy without it having to be 'hot'. But as soon as young girls hit their teens there seems to be a sudden need for them to dress in as little clothes as possible. And with children being exposed to these sexualized images of women is it only a matter of time before little girls are asking their parents to buy them sexy nurse outfits? Or worse that companies actually start making them for little girls?

Anyway, in the end I decided to go as Lady Gaga. Which with some of the outfits she's worn you're probably now thinking I'm a hypocrite with this whole post. But It's nothing too shocking. And certainly with me wearing it, it will be anything but sexy.  


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