Sunday, 22 December 2013

What did Santa leave in your stocking?! An essay. Oh.

Hello fellow bloggers. I know I have been bad at keeping up-to-date with this blog but I am a student. I have crazy parties to go to, hangover cures to research and friends to hang out with. Ok. I have Facebook stalking to do and Youtube videos on 'how to bake Christmas cookies' to watch. Hey, don't judge me.

So basically, I have been busy finishing off the last few dribbles of coursework that always seem like such a pain. I mean, you work hard (not really) all term and then suddenly BOOM! that little piece of work you'd forgotten about. The one you thought you could leave to the last minute. The one that was hidden under dirty dishes and scraps of paper with shopping lists written on them on your desk? Yeah. That one. Well, it's due.

So, if like me you're desperate to get on with festive fun, here are some tips on how to get those pesky essays done on time:

1) GET IT DONE AS SOON AS YOU'RE GIVEN IT. I know caps lock is annoying but I really can't emphasise that point enough. After 3 years at uni of perfecting my procrastination skills, I know what I'm talking about. I was once up until 4am finishing of an essay due in that day. By the time I'd written it I was sick with tiredness so spell-checking and proof-reading were off the table. I just handed it in. You really don't want to be in this position. Trust me. It's awful.

2) Don't be afraid to cut off all social contact. Remember the nights when you were free to do whatever you want? Well they're dead now until your essay is done. Lock yourself away in your room with a stash of food and drink if necessary. Don't talk or even look at anyone. This might encourage them to talk to you. And that is the last thing you want. Your friends may say "you've changed", that "you're not fun anymore" but guess what? They're not in uni. What do they know? You're the smart one. Spending thousands of pounds on an education to get a piece of paper that says you did something with your life for 4 years. While they're off making money and having fun life experiences you're studying. You're the smart one. Yeah.

3) This is a bit contradictory to the last point but if you're stuck ask your course mates. Teamwork can never be frowned upon. Just make sure you're not copying each other. Plagiarism isn't highly ranked by University peeps.

4) Get the music on! There's nothing wrong with listening to some of your favourite songs to get you moving with writing. And if you feel the need to dance in front of your mirror occasionally to get the blood flowing to your brain;there's no shame. Dancing and singing is proven to have improved brain activity....I'm sure.

5) Babble. They say not to but you can. Waffle and talk nonsense. You have to fill up the word count somehow. 

6) Once it's done, eat chocolate and block the whole sordid affair from your mind.

And remember Christmas is but once a year. Enjoy it and don't worry so much about work. Until you get your results. Then cry and eat chocolate. 


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