Wednesday 16 September 2015

I am Hulk! Hear about how fabulous my dress is!

So, earlier today the internet blew up when a picture surfaced of a Hulk cake wearing a princess dress. It may sound hard to believe if you have not seen it yet. So here you go:

So when I first saw this I didn't really pay too much attention. Cool. Hulk cake wearing princess dress. Then my brain woke up and realized that this is bigger than a unique (and let's be honest) hilarious cake. 

This birthday cake was requested by 4 year-old twin girls and their mum made it for them (despite earlier reports it was the Dad which many people now find ironic). In today's world where we saw the iconic transformation and public embrace of Caitlyn Jenner who has become a voice for the trans community, the discussion that gender should not define a person has become a bigger talking point than ever before. This story is another fine example of human freedom. Miley cyrus recently said that she doesn't see people being born as male or female. She says we are born human and then people decide who they are. It is great that people do not let their gender define them. It is no longer a black and white issue. It is not about girls liking pink and boys liking blue. Men and women can and will like whatever they want to. We are no longer allowing our biological design or social constructs to hold us back. 

We are teaching people they can be whoever and whatever they want to be. And the fact that four year-olds seem to grasp this while even some adults can't shows how much progress the world is making. Even if older generations don't get it, the fact that the youth who are growing up and will one day be running the country are being brought up in a world where people are more tolerant and accepting and feel free and confident enough to ask for superhero princess cakes is pretty great in my humble opinion. 

After all, we're all human so why don't we embrace that instead of worrying about why a boy wants to wear a pink dress and a girl wants to play football? Human beings are allowed to do human things. Let it be. And let's hope more parents take this attitude with their children. 

Jeni x

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