Friday 4 March 2016

OJ Simpson case: Brilliant marketing ploy or genuine evidence?


Is anyone else freaking the hell out over the news that apparently a construction worker found a knife buried on the grounds of O.J. Simpson's property in 1998??? Apparently he gave it to an off-duty traffic warden who was passing by but he held onto it and never gave it to the police. I'm losing my mind. How the hell could someone do that? Keeping it as some sick souvenir or something? I know I have a degree in journalism and I should be writing a little bit more professionally but holy god! What the hell?! 

So of course there has been immediate speculation by twitter (and my mother) that this might all be a bit too convenient. Some people are thinking that this could all be part of an elaborate marketing ploy because of the The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story television show that is capturing the world. I mean is it too convenient that over two decades later a potentially piece of critical evidence is found right when a show about said crime is running? 

This writer is not saying anything. I mean either way this is a truly exciting piece of news and could be potentially ground-breaking in a heartbreaking case that has gone unsolved for 20+ years. There have even even been some accusations (mainly on twitter) that this is all a set up to make sure that O.J. will stay in jail as he is up for parole next year. He went to jail in 2008 for charges of kidnapping and robbery. I have seen a little bit of "white supremacy" hashtagging going on.

For those of you 21st century babies who have no clue what I'm talking about, O.J. was a famous athlete and actor who was accused of the double homicide of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman in 1994. They were both stabbed to death outside her home in L.A. The trial captured the world, both because of the severity of the crime and the horrible thought that a beloved, popular figure in American culture could have committed such a brutal crime. It didn't help his admission of innocence that when police tried to arrest him, he fled in a car chase with the police that was televised around the world. There was also huge controversy surrounding the case because of tense racial issues that existed in that time. 

There had been riots seeking justice for black victims of LAPD brutalisation. Previous altercations between the LAPD and black civilians left many feeling blacks were treated unfairly by the police because of their skin colour. I know, I know. Take out the O.J. stuff and I could easily be talking about 2016, right? A lot of people thought that O.J. was being set up the white LAPD and that it was a classic case of racial prejudice. The theory was that someone had to go down for the crime so why not the black ex-husband?

However, apart from evidence that had been collected against O.J., he also had a history of beating Nicole although the police had done very little to help her. Maybe because he was a big star? But it's not like that would ever happen nowadays right? Right....hahaha.

He was acquitted in 1995 after assembling a team of top shot lawyers such as Robert Shapiro who had previously worked on Marlon Brando's son Christian's own trial. And, again for all you 21st century babies, yes the Kardashians are involved. How? The late Robert Kardashian (father to Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Robert) was a lawyer and close, personal friend of O.J. Nicole and O.J. were best friends with Kris (now millionaire momager and the matriarch of reality tv's answer to the royal family) and Robert and had seen them through their divorce from each other. 

The outcome left many feeling wronged by the justice system. No more so than Nicole and Ron's families though I'm sure. People were convinced he did it even to this day where he sits in jail for afore-mentioned crimes. Although others support O.J. and think the innocent verdict was the right call.

Anyway regardless of all this, I encourage everyone to watch the show as it is incredibly captivating and moving. And above all this, please remember that despite all the celebrities involved in the case and hollywood glamour of a tv show, this was a real crime that occurred. Real people were killed. so whether you think he did it or not, please just remember the pain and suffering that has been going on for two decades. Let's not use this as a chance to turn it all into a media circus (again). This was and always will be one of the biggest cases in American legal history and world events. It's horrible and whatever the forensic tests being conducted on the knife show, there will never be a happy ending in this tragic fairytale.
