Thursday 17 September 2015

Amber light district

So Amber Rose is pretty much the best human being alive right now. Aside from being beautiful, confident and outspoken she has also become the new face and voice of modern day equality. As we all know, there is still a huge double standard when it comes to men, women and sexuality. A woman is still often looked down on if she openly admits to enjoying casual sex and one night stands. Some people still think that it is ok for men to be openly promiscuous and show no shame but that women should be reserved and only have sex if they are in committed relationships. Here's the problem with that theory. Women are human beings. Just like men. I know that is a mind-blowing fact but just try to let that sink in. Sex is a natural desire that most human beings have (no shame if you don't--that is your prerogative). It is how humans are born for crying out loud! Everyone is allowed to have sex as long as it's legal, safe and consensual.  

In this funny or die video, Amber basically puts the middle finger up to the olden day perception that women can only enjoy sex if it's within the confines of a relationship.

Not only does Amber strut around bragging about having a one night stand to the support and praise of passers-by but she also rejects the notion that women can't have a no-strings attached 'encounter' without developing feelings for the other party.

Between holding her own slutwalk and her instagram posts about reclaiming words like 'slut' and 'whore' she is now more than ever proving that she is and will continue to be a key player in the game of equality.

After all, if women are allowed to be as 'promiscuous' as men without shame, then words like 'slut' and 'ho' cannot exist. And though they will not go away overnight, we as women can take them back and make them stand for something. We can only feel shamed by words if we give them power. Take the power away and reclaim your sassy, glorious 'slutty' female pride.

Jeni x

Wednesday 16 September 2015

I am Hulk! Hear about how fabulous my dress is!

So, earlier today the internet blew up when a picture surfaced of a Hulk cake wearing a princess dress. It may sound hard to believe if you have not seen it yet. So here you go:

So when I first saw this I didn't really pay too much attention. Cool. Hulk cake wearing princess dress. Then my brain woke up and realized that this is bigger than a unique (and let's be honest) hilarious cake. 

This birthday cake was requested by 4 year-old twin girls and their mum made it for them (despite earlier reports it was the Dad which many people now find ironic). In today's world where we saw the iconic transformation and public embrace of Caitlyn Jenner who has become a voice for the trans community, the discussion that gender should not define a person has become a bigger talking point than ever before. This story is another fine example of human freedom. Miley cyrus recently said that she doesn't see people being born as male or female. She says we are born human and then people decide who they are. It is great that people do not let their gender define them. It is no longer a black and white issue. It is not about girls liking pink and boys liking blue. Men and women can and will like whatever they want to. We are no longer allowing our biological design or social constructs to hold us back. 

We are teaching people they can be whoever and whatever they want to be. And the fact that four year-olds seem to grasp this while even some adults can't shows how much progress the world is making. Even if older generations don't get it, the fact that the youth who are growing up and will one day be running the country are being brought up in a world where people are more tolerant and accepting and feel free and confident enough to ask for superhero princess cakes is pretty great in my humble opinion. 

After all, we're all human so why don't we embrace that instead of worrying about why a boy wants to wear a pink dress and a girl wants to play football? Human beings are allowed to do human things. Let it be. And let's hope more parents take this attitude with their children. 

Jeni x

The Relatable Raj Theory

He may not get as much screen time as he deserves but here are 5 times Raj from 'The Big Bang Theory' was your spirit animal.

When you're talking to your friend but your jam comes on in the background:

When you just need human contact to make everything ok again. No matter who it's from:

When you're not afraid to take (constructive) criticism:

When you learn it's ok show your emotions:

When you accept being single with dignity and pride:

We all have a bit of Raj in us. The sooner you learn this, the happier you'll be. Embrace your inner Raj!

Jeni x

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Nikki Bella: A champion's Gif story

All hail Queen Nikki Bella. If you're not a fan of the WWE you may not know who I mean. She is currently the Divas champion. Ok, let's be real, she IS the divas division. And aside from being gorgeous, fun and fabulous she also knows how to kick ass and is essentially a bad bitch. So, paying homage to her recent win at the Royal Rumble along with her twin sister Brie, here are the Gifs that Nikki blessed us with for everyday use. Forget Bey, Mariah and J-Lo, this is the ultimate Diva you need to celebrate.

When bae is looking fine af and you want some loving:

When your favourite TV show character dies:

When your favourite band member posts a selfie and your ovaries explode:

When you see someone flirting with bae:

When you see a girl wearing the same outfit as you but you look better:

When you're with your friends and your crush walks by:

When you know you have to slap a hoe:

When you see your ex and you look on point:

When that creepy guy tries to hit on you at a party:

When you and your squad look fresh:

When they forget to put ketchup in your bag:

When someone disses your bestie:


When you and your bestie communicate telekinetically:

When you hear someone talking trash about you:

When you and your friend see a cute guy at the same time:

When your boss says something stupid but you just have to smile and nod:

When your girl looks good:

When you just did a killer workout:

When there's a shoe sale and someone takes the last pair in your size:

When someone asks if they can have your fries:

When you get distracted by a hot guy:

When you see your boyfriend and his new gf:

When you're annoyed at yourself for hooking up with your ex:

When you fight with your best friend:

When you make up with your best friend:

When you and your friend like the same guy:

When you see your ex downgraded:

When you see that girl you hated at school got engaged on Facebook:

When you want to feel like a woman:

When somebody compliments you and you didn't know if you looked good:

When somebody compliments you and you already know you look good:

When the Dominos pizza tracker moves to delivery:

When you favourite show goes on hiatus:

When your squad looks so good everyone wants to take your picture:

When you find out what hotel your favourite band is staying at:

When you're done talking;

When you're trying to be cuter than your friend in front of a boy:

When you're done. YOU'RE JUST DONE:

When you're trying to seduce bae:

When you and your bestie are kicking life's ass:

When you're proud of your friend:

When someone says Nikki shouldn't be the Diva's champion and you know their opinion is irrelevant:

When you know you're the baddest bitch in the Diva's division:

All hail the queen.

Jeni x